When copying & pasting.
Copy 10 times as a form of meditation.
Use left hand thumb then copy the copy again, but this time right hand thumb. On your Mobile.
So five & five.
Repeat the same highlighted text copy, then paste after the sequence.
When using a mouse you do it how it works for you or other devices.
Even try on your mobile, left thumb then right thumb, then right thumb then left thumb.
Or left thumb, left thumb or right thumb, right thumb, during 5 & 5 copy, copy action👍
So copy which highlights the text you want, then copy again up to 10 times as each copy is highlighted from the first copy. Then one paste.
This will help you use both sides of your brain & not only meditation, focus but also slow you down during a busy day.
It’s is focus & well being, Mental Health.
I’ve tried to explain it as best as I can.